Do I need to sit another oral test for motorcyle if I already passed the audio visual test for autocycle and motor car?

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I already got learner for motor car and autocycle, should I re do the oral test to get for motocycle or it's different? thanks

5 Replies

gices Level 6

No, as far as I know they are all the same test. So you shouldn't have to resit the oral, you just need to make an appointment for the motorcycle driving test.

The only exception to the rule is when you're applying for a bus/lorry licence where you'll have to pass a test called the oral mechanic which is a bit more technical since you need to know how to fix common problems with your vehicles.

1 Reply
gices Level 6

I just made a call to Mauritius Police Force and got confirmation that what I said above is true.

Muzzammil Level 2

Thank you for your reply, well just got my learner, time for going for license, i was refering to motocycle learner between, i mean, i applied only for autocycle and motorcar so basically, i would have these 2 stamps only, if i have to get the stamp for motocycle learner, i should re send an appointment or should i just go to casernes and find the geek and tell them i want an stamp for motocycle?

gices Level 6

You just need to get another stamp.

Kavish789 Level 1

I have learner for autocycle only.Do i need to send an appointment and resit for oral to get my learner for motocycle or just need to get another stamp directly without appointment?Please reply..thank you

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